Thursday, November 6, 2008

Angela Horton Gapay

Master Women 35+,#624
This is my first season. I raced at Horning’s Hideaway last year. I didn’t have any kind of fitness and it was horrible! I wanted to find out if it would be any more fun with a fitness base. It still is really hard and can even be really unpleasant, but after Barton Park, I’ve got say, I’m loving it.
My husband and son having been sharing the Sunday ritual of the Cross Crusade since 2005, but since I have always worked on Sunday’s, I’ve not even been able to participate. That is until this year, 2008. We all go together. I am so grateful that my daughter and I have been able to start our racing careers at the same time. She’s a great role model!
In addition to wanting to develop a racing attitude like my daughter, Alia, I want to have a top ten finish.

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