Thursday, December 25, 2008

Inspiring Exemples of Discipline and Fitness

My husband is very discipline about getting his cycling workouts throughout the week. He provides a great example for everyone in our house and his cycling continues to inspire me.
Due to the non-stop weather reporting on our preferred tv network I caught a story about Barack Obama’s commitment to fitness on the Early Show Wednesday morning. First a photo of Barack Obama, shirtless and during the campaign was presented. Someone who follows him for the media said, “Most people would like to have a body like that.” Next to it was projected a more recent photo of him on vacation in Hawaii, again shirtless and much leaner and apparently more buff. I think the man looks pretty skinny in a suit, but great with out a shirt. Anyway I am so excited about the more significant aspect of the story than simply showing his hot bod. That is, the president elect makes time to work out six days a week, whether on the campaign trail, or on vacation. And he plans to continue his discipline of working out six days a week once he takes office.
Considering how busy and chaotic his schedule has been, his uncompromised priority to take care of his body contrasts the convenient excuse of so many people think believe they are too busy to take care of their bodies. I am sure he knows as well as anyone how easy it is to de-prioritize the care of our bodies. It is no accident that Barack Obama has a fit body and a clear mind. He has had and will continue to have a very demanding schedule and life, and I am excited for the example he provides in striving not only for excellence in intelligence and practical wisdom but in being fully human. Seriously, for the hope and possibility of this new beginning, I involuntarily expel a grateful, “Thank God!”

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